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How to park camera gear for travel


One of the most important things you need to carry with you when going for a road trip is a camera. You will need to capture the memories and beautiful places. It is very important that you pack everything that you will need during the road trip. Here are a few concepts you need to consider.


Number of photos you will take


You will definitely need a good camera for this not the traditional cameras that takes long to capture images that are not even clear. Find a good camera that will take high resolution images with just a single snap shot. This will give you the ability to take as many images as possible as well as view more places. Lensball is a new technique that has revolutionized the photography industry. Lensball refers to a sleek crystal ball that allows one to capture deeply immersive photos at the palm of your hand. In case you are using a digital camera then you should factor in the memory capacity of the memory card. This will determine the number of photographs that you will take.




















Airports and Customs


The most obvious concern for photographers nowadays is the x-ray machines and the kind of damage they can impose. Digital cameras, memory cards and lensball are rarely affected by the X-ray machines at the airport. The other challenge is your destination. Some countries limit the number of camera equipment’s that you can carry for security reasons, others require you to carry some kind of documentation or even charge you a small fee.


Whenever you are up for travel always make sure that you have packed all the necessary requirements not forgetting to carry a lensball. The best thing about having a lensball is that they are small fitting the palm of your hand and have the ability to capture very unique scenes. They can also be used for home décor.

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